A club for collectors, carvers and enthusiasts of vintage decoys and contemporary waterfowl carvings
We are a community of decoy collectors and enthusiasts from all around the country. We currently have over 140 members from all over the United States, with monthly meetings that can have up to 70 members in attendance. We are proud to have members from Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and North Carolina. As a club member, you will enjoy benefits like these:

What the DDCA Offers:
Regular Monthly Meetings
We hold regular monthly meetings and often special feature guest speakers. You will also learn from informative discussions and presentations.
All members receive a monthly newsletter which includes up-to-date information on club and show news.
Make New Friends
Our monthly meetings give new collectors the opportunity to socialize with those with years in the industry.
Special Events
Club members are encouraged to bring their favorite decoys from their collection to our monthly Show & Tell sessions. Decoy owners can choose from two categories for Show & Tell. These are great learning experiences!
Members-Only Facebook Group
Our private group is where members share collecting information, show and tell about exciting new finds, get help with identification, and buy/sell/trade in a friendly and safe environment.
Our Annual Decoy Show
An easy-to-use online presence packed with helpful information.
Membership Directory
An annual membership directory of all club members.
Great Advice
Our club membership consists of both novice and long-time collectors, and highly skilled decoy makers too. Everyone can take advantage of the knowledge gleaned from the experts and take their collection to the next level!
Guest Speakers
Grab yourself a table and sell your wares, or just attend to see or buy decoys you won't find anywhere else!
If you're interested in joining, click here to sign up. The yearly membership fee is just $20. All members have access to our private area for club members only. Membership gives you access to video presentations, photos, a private bulletin board, meeting minutes and all members' names and emails. Join our club!
Monthly Meetings

Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at Adam's Taphouse Grille in Fruitland, MD from 6:30-8:30 p.m. but the room opens at 5 p.m. if anyone shows up early for dinner and/or drinks.